Holistic customer experiences*

The table is an exceptional place of comprehensive experience. It is the place where cooking, dietetics, wine waiting and the art of serving come together, as well as bodily movement, the sensory nature of people, naturalness of resources, aesthetics of materials and warmth of spirit.
By comprehensive, I mean that if one element is missing, the experience is diminished. What kind of experience is it if the Table offers great food but forgets the aesthetics or the warmth of attentive service? It will be agreed that this is not achieved by simply throwing these elements together but by having a real strategy in mind. This is what I know how to do and this is what I offer.
Anyone who dedicates their life to the world of gastronomy is giving themselves the chance to create joyful occasions.
Sensory pleasure, social interaction, surprise, poetry, harmony and reminiscences are all promised by the art of the Table.
Combining vitality and well-being
It is said in Asia, and modern Western psychology shares this view, that to be happy vitality must be combined with well-being. Sometimes these two terms are confused, but they should not be.
Vitality is achieved internally through quality sleep, exercise and a balanced diet.
Well-being is achieved from the combination of two dimensions outside the body, which are the living environment and our social connection with others.
If one of these two components is missing, happiness will not be achieved.
It will not have escaped your attention that the Table acts on all five levels.
It may promote or, on the contrary, disturb the balance of the body (sleep, digestive fatigue, etc.).
By the way in which it is presented, the Table may add charm to the daily life of its location or it may tarnish it.
Lastly, it will always have the means to create magic in the exchanges and interactions between the people eating.
When I think up and design culinary experiences at WAYO, I take all of these dimensions into consideration, whether it is reinventing a seminar for companies or the places that accommodate them, creating healthy and delicious meals for private or work events, designing all the culinary experiences of a day’s work or relaxation, or building a new restaurant concept.
*Holistic: Which refers to the treatment of an object as a whole